Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- After Care/Before Care
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Attendance
- Behavior Communication Calendar
- Behavior Communication Logs
- Cafeteria/Food Services
- Campus Security and Crisis Plan
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, & Reporting Program
- Counseling
- Discipline
- Emergency Cards
- Field Trips
- Grading Policy
- Kids in Transition (K.I.T.)/ McKinney-Vento Act
- Leader In Me
- My Payments Plus
- Parent/Guardian Involvement
- Restroom Policy
- School Wide Expectations
- Student Check-out
- Tardy
- Title I
- Transportation
- Weapons Policy
- Weather Emergencies
After Care/Before Care
Honey Island currently operates a before and after-school care program to assist families who may need this service. For a fee, parents can utilize this service by the day, or by the week. An application with fee amounts is available on our website and payments can be made on My Payments Plus.
Before care is from 6:30 AM - Beginning Bell
After care is from dismissal - 6:00 PM
Arrival and Dismissal
Students must not arrive on campus before 7:50 a.m. Teachers are not on duty until this time and we are not responsible for your children prior to 7:50. School begins at 8:20 a.m. All students entering the school after 8:20 a.m. will be marked “TARDY” and must be checked in through the office with an adult before going to class. Dismissal begins at 3:31 p.m. All students should be picked up no later than 3:50 p.m. If a child is to go to after care or anywhere other than their regular destination, you must send a written request to his/her teacher. This request will be sent to the office to be approved. Telephone or email requests will not be accepted. No one is allowed to take a child from school unless she or he is listed on the emergency card.
Students are expected to attend school daily; however please do not send your child to school with a fever greater than 100 degrees or symptoms of a contagious illness, including Covid-19 symptoms. These symptoms include fever of 100.4 or higher, a new cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and new loss of taste or smell. Additional symptoms to look for include chills, muscle pain, new headache, sore throat, diarrhea, or nausea or vomiting. If your child experiences any of these symptoms, please keep them home until they are symptom-free. If a student becomes ill during the day, the parents will be notified via phone call and are expected to check the child out for the remainder of the school day. Fever or vomiting during the school day results in a 24-hour period before returning to school. If a student or adult tests positive for Covid-19, they typically are out of school 5 days from the beginning of symptoms or positive test, and upon returning, wear a mask for 5 days. Parents, please call the school nurse for a specific return date of a student.
When a student is absent 3 or more hours per day:
Send a parent or doctor note within 2 days of their return. It is important to provide a written note from the parent or doctor stating the reason for the absence in order for the absence to be determined “excused” or “unexcused”. Make-Up work, missed assignments, and tests will be given for excused absences.
Call the office only when a child has been out for 3 consecutive days. Parents may call the school to arrange a pick-up time for missed work, but must provide the office 24 hours to provide teachers the time to prepare materials.
We strongly encourage you to schedule medical and dental appointments, vacations, etc. during school holidays or after school hours to minimize school absences.
*Please refer to the St. Tammany Parish School Discipline Policy Handbook given to you at the beginning of the school year for a more thorough explanation of the Attendance Policy.
Behavior Communication Calendar
Teachers will communicate with parents and guardians through a communication calendar located in their daily folder. This calendar is not used for disciplinary purposes, but rather, to enhance the communication between school and home so parents know how well their children are able to follow school and classroom expectations (The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People). If you have a concern based on your child’s communication calendar, please contact your child’s teacher.
Behavior Communication Logs
Teachers will communicate with parents and guardians through a communication log located in their daily folder. This log is not used for disciplinary purposes, but rather, to enhance the communication between school and home so parents know how well their children are able to follow school and classroom expectations. If you have a concern based on your child’s communication log, please contact your child’s teacher.
Cafeteria/Food Services
This year, all of our students are receiving free breakfasts and lunches. Students may choose to bring their lunch. Menus are sent out with our monthly refrigerator reminders and posted on our website. Although our students have free cafeteria services this year, parents are requested to fill out the “Free and Reduced” Breakfast and Lunch forms. You can request that form through the front office or find it on our website. Parents may attend breakfast and lunch with their students. Parents will check in with the front office, and the parent and student will sit at a special “visitor table” while eating. The cafeteria will have snacks such as chips and cereal bars for student purchase. We encourage you to put funds on your child’s “My Payments Plus” account, and snack payment will be deducted from that account. For more information, you may contact our cafeteria manager, Mrs. Allyson Bobal.
Campus Security and Crisis Plan
Security cameras are currently installed throughout our campus. The cameras have been installed in strategic areas and monitor our school campus 7 days per week/24 hours per day.
Honey Island maintains a Crisis Plan to be used in the event of an emergency. During the school year we will practice each drill-Evacuation, Shelter in Place, and Lockdown-several times as required by law. We work closely with our local law enforcement, fire department, and school district liaison to constantly evaluate and make adjustments to the plans as necessary.
Keyless access card entries have been installed on all of our exterior doors. All outside doors will remained locked during the day, as well as, all our classroom doors. When parents or visitors arrive, a video system will be put into place which will allow entry. Until that installation, parents and visitors will need to ring the doorbell for front door entrance. ID badges are required to check students out, to volunteer, or to have breakfast/lunch with students.
The goal of CHAMPS is to have an environment where students are responsible, motivated and focused on a task. Through CHAMPS, teachers set specific, desirable behaviors for each learning activity. CHAMPS focuses on the following: conversation, help, activity, movement, and participation. Students are expected to follow the CHAMPS expectations set by teachers throughout the day and in all settings.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, & Reporting Program
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All materials used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We encourage you to talk to your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.
The school shares the responsibility with parents to educate, guide, and discipline children at school and school-related activities. Discipline will be handled in a fair, consistent, and impartial manner to help ensure that a proper climate for learning exists. All student disciplinary decisions are confidential and are not shared with other students or parents of other students.
State and Parish laws and guidelines hold the staff of each school responsible for the maintenance of discipline at the school and school functions. All school personnel also are responsible daily to see that the learning environment is free from disruptions that affect the learning process. Ultimately, however, the primary responsibility for student conduct rests with students and their parents or guardians. Cooperation and support among school personnel, students, and parents in helping students conduct themselves with respect and good character are keys to student success and effective schools.
Emergency Cards
It is essential that the school has up-to-date information for each child. This information is written on the EMERGENCY CARDS each school year and kept in the office in case of emergencies. Please notify the school immediately if you have any changes including phone numbers, addresses, contact names, custody, or any additional changes. Parents or guardians must come to the school office to make changes to the emergency card. This includes information about who is allowed to check students in/out of school or pick up students in car line. This information cannot be changed over the phone. This information is essential in helping us provide for your child promptly and efficiently during an emergency. If your phone is disconnected, please inform us immediately. Please include cell phone and work phone numbers on all forms.
Field Trips
Grading Policy
Students will receive report cards each nine week grading period. The final quarter report card will be mailed. Report card grades will be used in determining promotion/retention based on the district’s Pupil Progression Plan. Failing grades in Reading and/or in Math will result in failure for the school year.
Our grading policy is as follows for reading, language, math, science, and social studies:
A=93-100 B=85-92 C=75-84 D-67-74 F=66-below
Conduct and work habits will be reported using the following:
O-outstanding S-satisfactory N-needs improvement U-unsatisfactory
Kids in Transition (K.I.T.)/ McKinney-Vento Act
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including all children who are living in the following situations:
- Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems
- Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing
- Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter
- Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station.
- Abandoned in a hospital.
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
- Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
- Enroll in a school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records or birth certificates and other documents
- Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth
- Get transportation to school, if feasible
- Access educationally related support services
Should you or your child meet these qualifications, please contact your school’s main office or guidance office to complete a form for consideration.
Leader In Me
We believe “anyone can be a leader by intentionally leading one’s own life (leading self) and working well with and encouraging the greatness in others-whether family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues (leading others)” (www.leaderinme.org). We are committed to teaching leadership to every student, creating a culture of student empowerment, and academic excellence. We will teach our students The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It is our hope that through these habits our students will become leaders and lifelong learners.
My Payments Plus
Parent/Guardian Involvement
At Honey Island, we recognize the importance of having involved parents with their child’s education. You are their most important educational partner! We encourage parent and family involvement at Honey Island! There will be many opportunities for you to become involved with your child’s education, including daily homework activities, field trips, class parties, volunteering for the many PTA-sponsored activities, family engagement night activities, etc. Please consider joining PTA and participating here at school! Parents may have lunch and breakfast with their child. Parents/family members must check in with the front office using their ID. There will be a special table available for the parent and child to sit.
Restroom Policy
School Wide Expectations
BE There-It is about being totally focused on the moment and on the person or task with which you are engaged. When we are fully present with each other, we listen deeply and important opportunities do not escape us.
BE prepared, BE present, BE on timeMake Their Day-It is about doing something special for someone. When you make someone’s day, you have given them a special gift they won’t soon forget. It feels good to give it.
Be courteous, Use good mannersChoose Your Attitude-This is about accepting full responsibility for all of our choices, especially your attitude at school. A positive attitude is a decision we make, moment to moment.
Respect everyone, Stay in your personal space, Follow directionsHave Fun-It is about having fun, enjoying learning, being spontaneous, and creative.
If we are being there, choosing our attitudes, and making their day then we are HAVING FUN!
Student Check-out
- Sign students in/out at the front office.
- ID (driver’s license) is required.
- MUST occur prior to 3:00 p.m. After 3:00 p.m. please use carline for student pickup.
- Anyone checking a student out MUST be listed on the Emergency Card.
- If checking out for doctor, dentist, etc. appointment, unless the appointment takes the entire school day, students are expected to attend class both before and after appointment.
- Submit a physician note to the front office for the check-out to be excused.
- Please limit check-outs to emergency situations and/or appointments. Instructional time is valuable to the success of our students.
*During crisis situations such as Shelter in Place, Evacuation, or Lockdown, students will remain in their safe place. For the safety of our students, checkouts will not be processed during the immediate crisis.
Title I
Parent's Right To Know
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school districts to inform parents and families about their right to receive information on the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers.
Click here to view our ESSA video.
Parents and families have the right to know:
- Whether all employed personnel have met state qualification and licensing criteria for the position they hold within the school
- If any personnel is employed under provisional status where state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
- All college degrees and general areas of certification held by teachers, and qualifications of the paraprofessionals
- Whether their child receives services by paraprofessionals and their qualifications
Teacher Certification/Degree Information can be verified at www.teachlouisiana.net
St. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.
District Responsibilities:
- Involve families in developing and reviewing the district's PFE Plan
- Hold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetings
- Support STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities
- Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School Improvement Plans
- Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel use
- Develop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures
School Responsibilities
- Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunities
- Offer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at home
- Involve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs
- Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy
- Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroom
- Maintain 2-way communication with families
- Provide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational process
Morning Carline Procedures: Students begin to exit the car line when the 7:50 bell rings. Students move towards the cafeteria entrance, where they can either have breakfast or continue on to their homerooms. Students will be supervised at all times prior to the start of school.
Afternoon Carline Procedures: Students are called to the carline at 3:31 when our dismissal bell rings. Parents are asked to have their student name cards up so duty teachers can read them and get your child to your car. Duty teachers load three students at a time to keep the line moving. Car line is usually over at 3:50. All students enter and exit vehicles on the right side next to the carline walkway. Students may not exit or enter their vehicle from the left side due to safety reasons.
Bus Behavior: Please talk with your child about the importance of good behavior on the school bus. All children must comply with the bus drivers’ rules. Your child may lose bus privileges if he/she does not behave on the bus. Misbehavior on the bus may result in discipline consequences such as parent conference, behavior reflection map, or suspension from the bus.
Transportation Changes: Changes will only be accepted with a handwritten, signed note from the parent/guardian on the day of the change. Phone calls and emails to the teacher will not be accepted. In the event of an emergency, we will accept a signed fax or email that includes a copy of the parent/guardian’s driver’s license. Our fax number is (985) 649-1367. If a transportation change is faxed or emailed, it is the parent’s responsibility to contact the office no later than 3:00 to ensure the change has been received. EMERGENCY transportation changes should be for emergency use only. Please do not fax/email daily with changes. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our children safe.
Weapons Policy
Students found using, possessing and/or concealing a knife, firearm, weapon capable of discharging a projectile, or other dangerous instruments capable of causing bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Police notification will be made immediately. Students using, possessing and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the principle appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument shall be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion, a hearing shall be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Students in grade five or lower who have been found in the hearing process of using, possessing and/or concealing a weapon, or look-alike weapon shall be disciplined in accordance with the decision made by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Any case involving a student in grade five or lower found in possession of a firearm on school property shall be referred to the School Board through a recommendation for action from the Superintendent.
Weather Emergencies
School closing due to weather emergencies will be posted on the local news or the school board website, www.stpsb.org. All STPSB severe weather guidelines will be adhered to in case of emergency conditions during school hours. To stay current on the official weather alerts effecting schools, sign up for Emergency & News Alerts on the School Board website. Instant messages may be sent to you directly from the school system in the form of text messages, phone calls, and/or emails.